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"This latest book by Michael E. Stone is the sixth volume in a series of translations from Armenian to English, which he began with the publication of 'Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Patriarchs and Prophets' in 1982. His initial aim, to search unstudied Armenian manuscripts for works dating back to the Second Temple period, developed into a career-long search for reworkings of biblical traditions, stories, and persons in the Armenian tradition. In this collection Stone focuses on texts related to heaven and hell, angels and demons, and biblical figures from the Hebrew Bible and apocrypha. Texts, introductions, translations, annotations, and a critical apparatus make this collection a key resource for students and scholars of apocryphal and pseudepigraphical literature."--Page 4 of printed paper wrapper.
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Table of Contents
Edition Notes
With bibliographic references (pages 299-307) and indices to subjects, ancient sources. and manuscripts (pages 309-339).
In English; with original Armenian texts also translated into English.
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