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War, Masculinity, PeaceEdition | Availability |
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Book Details
Table of Contents
Masculinity, violence and war / Bob Connell
A state of seeing, unsighted...: notes on the visual in Nazi war culture / Terry Smith
Staging the bases: scenarios for destruction 1963-74 / Noel Sanders
Thinking new thoughts: Australian responses to the question of nuclear armaments / Jocelyn Dunphy
Men at war in Sydney suburbs / Gavin Harris and Leigh Raymond
War: machining male desire / Adam Farrar
Structures of identity: gender and nationalism / Ross Poole
Working class boys and crime: theorising the class/gender mix / Chris Cunneen
The social construction of Australian peace movement demands / Brian Martin
The political economy of arms and disarmament / Brian Pinkstone.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
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