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Alexandrianism was among the trends that defined the formation of Roman literature across genres since the early decades of Roman literary history. This volume introduces a collection of original essays that contribute to a developing appreciation of the comedy of Plautus, the leading representative of Roman comedy, as a multi-faceted text that engages in a creative dialogue with various contemporary cultural and literary developments. The studies here, both individually and as parts of a longer, interactive discussion, offer a comprehensive examination of the first complete expression of the.
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Plautus' erudite comedy: new insights into the work of a doctus poeta
2020, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
in English
1527545660 9781527545663
Book Details
Table of Contents
Part I. Adaptation and innovation. Menandrian comedy, Plautine dramaturgy and contamination / Sophia Papaioannou ; What's new? The possibilities of novelty in Plautus' Casina / Emilia A Barbiero
Part II. Ethnography. Theatergrams in Plautine comedy: the case of Hanno in Poenulus / Peter Barrios-Lech ; Munchausen in Rome: Plautine braggarts and Hellenistic storytelling / Ioannis M Konstantakos ; Plautus and Greekness / Gesine Manuwald
Part III. Philosophy, science, religion. Friends without benefits? Philosophical dimensions of Plautus' conception of friendship / Ruth R Caston ; Twins in Plautus: a dramatic motif in cultural context / Chrysanthi Demetriou ; Meaningful mispronunciations: religious parody in Plautus' Cistellaria 512-527 / Seth A Jeppesen
Part IV. Literary history. Before Pussy Riot: free speech and censorship in the age of Plautus / Michael Fontaine ; Plautus and the origins of Roman satire / Ariana Traill.
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
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