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The widely recognized photographer proposes a visual, anthropological and geographical work where the drive lies in the observation of this cultural resistance. Andean gazes of the desert attack us to make us remember whose territory is visited, the Apacheta, an altar to thank the Pachamama and ask for protection from the Apus and Mallkus, it speaks of a mystical and scientific culture. The silence and the immensity of the desert are recorded under two visions: one from the heights composed of a cartographic look and the other from the ground, making us understand that in any of the cases we observers are a minimum absorbed by this immeasurable planet that provides us with the strange feeling of a free and immortal spiritual connection.
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Pictorial works, Indians of South AmericaPlaces
Atacama Desert (Chile), Chile, Atacama DesertEdition | Availability |
Qhapaq ñan Atacama: trazado visual al Camino del Inka en su paso por el desierto
2018, LOM ediciones
in Spanish
- Primera edición.
9560010638 9789560010636
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