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"The question of water and human dependence on river systems has become a major public concern of the twenty-first century. Based on a long term historical study of a flood country in the mid-Ganga basin, Speaking River: Environmental History of a Mid-Ganga Flood Country, 1540-1885 looks at the changing perception of the people of the Ganga region from a useful to a problematic river. Based on environmental, agricultural and cultural histories it explores the British colonial policy that altered the age-old relationship between the people and the river, and the long-term landscape transformations and cropping pattern changes that have been taking shape since early modern times. This book also examines the man-made calamities of 1770 and 1873-4 in ecological and human terms. Vipul sees a strong connection between economy and environment and goes on to question the presumed relationship between flood control and modernity, and explains as to why even today ecologically vulnerable diara land remains as the centre of conflict and dispute."--From dust jacket.
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Floodplain ecology, History, Stream ecology, Environmental policyEdition | Availability |
Speaking rivers: environmental history of a mid-Ganga flood country, 1540-1885
2018, Primus Books
in English
9386552825 9789386552822
Book Details
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 201-222) and index.
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