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Dreams from My Father is Barack Obama's remarkable memoir. The son of a black African father and a white American mother, Obama was only two years old when his father walked out on the family. Many years later, Obama receives a phone call from Nairobi: his father is dead. This sudden news inspires an emotional odyssey for Obama, determined to learn the truth of his father's life and reconcile his divided inheritance. Written at the age of thirty-three, long before Obama had thoughts of a political career, Dreams from My Father is an unforgettable read. It illuminates not only Obama's journey, but also our universal desire to understand our history, and what makes us the people we are.
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Racially mixed people, Racism, United states, race relations, African americans, biography, Obama, barack, 1961-, Race relations, Racisim, Racismo, Relaciones raciales, Personas mestiza, Nonfiction, Afronorteamericanos, Biography & Autobiography, African Americans, Biography, Biografía, Reading Level-Grade 7, Reading Level-Grade 9, Reading Level-Grade 8, Reading Level-Grade 11, Reading Level-Grade 10, Reading Level-Grade 12, Noirs américains, Racisme, Biographies, 71.62 ethnic relations (sociology), Racial discrimination, Relations interethniques, Afro-amerikaner, Rasism, Presidents, États-Unis, Métis, Biografi, Candidats à la présidence, nyt:hardcover-nonfiction=2008-11-23, New York Times bestseller, African-American Studies, Rassenverhoudingen, Mengbloeden, Identiteit, Large type books, Portuguese language materials, Diskriminering av afro-amerikaner, Relations raciales, Race identity, Mulâtres, Discrimination, [biographie], Présidents, Élection (2008), Politique et gouvernement, Famille, Enfance et jeunesse, Parlementaires noirs américains, Rassendiscriminatie, Obama, barack, African americans--biography, Racially mixed people--united states--biography, Racism--united states, E185.97.o23 a3 2004, 973/.0405967625009/0092 bTimes
21e siècleShowing 10 featured editions. View all 54 editions?
Edition | Availability |
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
2016, Canongate Books
in English
1782119256 9781782119258
Pitā se mile sapane
2009, Aravinda Kumāra Pabliśarsa
in Hindi
- 1. Hindī saṃskaraṇa.
8184520174 9788184520170
03 |
Les rêves de mon père: l'histoire d'un héritage en noir et blanc : autobiographie
2008, [Seuil]
in French
2757810898 9782757810897
Barack Obama: 2008 Presidential Campaign Speeches by Barack Obama
2008-11-25, Classic House Books
0979905230 9780979905230
Les rêves de mon père: document
2008, Presses de la Cité
Texte imprimé :
in French
2258075971 9782258075979
Dreams from My Father
Aug 14, 2008, Brand: Canongate Books, Three Rivers Press
1847670946 9781847670946
08 |
09 |
I sogni di mio padre: un racconto sulla razza e l'eredità
2007, Nutrimenti
in Italian
8888389865 9788888389868
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