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Intrucat anul 2013 a fost declarat de catre toti actorii politici din Romania ca fiind dedicat dezbaterii continutului pe care urmeaza sa-l aiba noua Constitutie a Romaniei, Facultatea de Stiinte Politice si Administrative a Universitatii „Petre Andrei" din Iasi si Institutul de Studiere a Ideologiilor au demarat proiectul Constitutia Romaniei. Opinii esentiale pentru legea fundamentala ce a constat in organizarea unor dezbateri publice care au avut ca subiect zece teme majore: Romania - „stat national unitar", tipul de regim politic, tipul de parlament, imunitatea parlamentarilor, utilizarea ordonantelor de urgenta, noua organizare adminsitrativ-teritoriala, statutul Curtii Constitutionale, rolul referendumului in procesul legislativ, rolul Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii si definirea drepturilor cetatenesti.- Publisher
Since 2013 was declared by all political actors in Romania as dedicated to the debate on the content of the new Romanian Constitution, the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences of the "Petre Andrei" University of Iasi and the Institute for the Study of Ideologies they started the draft Romanian Constitution. Essential opinions for the fundamental law which consisted in organizing public debates on ten major topics: Romania - "unitary national state", type of political regime, type of parliament, immunity of parliamentarians, use of emergency ordinances, new administrative organization -territorial, the statute of the Constitutional Court, the role of the referendum in the legislative process, the role of the Superior Council of Magistracy and the definition of civil rights.- Publisher
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RomaniaEdition | Availability |
Zece exerciţii de "inginerie constituţională"
2013, Institutul European
in Romanian
6062400024 9786062400026
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