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In 2003, the Antwerp art centre deSingel, starts the project ; 'Curating the Library', initiated by Moritz Küng. A variety of individuals - writers, architects, choreographers, artists, philosophers, scientists - present their favourite books. These books are part of a steadily growing archive: Curating the Library, a mobile, mirroring sculpture designed by Richard Venlet. In 2009 Curating the Library ends. In the course of six years, 110 guest speakers have presented 1,557 books to the public. In 2016-17, at the request of Wim Lambrecht (LUCA School of Arts) and Jan de Vylder (KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture), the book collection and the reflective sculpture move to Sint-Lucas Ghent. From January to June 2017 they become the backdrop of bustling events and lectures under the heading Reading Curating the Library.
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Not to be fed, but to be famous: Sophie Nys
2017, Posture Editions
in English
9491262262 9789491262265
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Catalog of an exhibition held at DeSingel, Antwerp, December 15, 2017.
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