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The artwork of Juan Carlos del Valle (Mexico 1975) exhibited along pieces by Francisco de Goya, Charles Michel, Albrecht Dürer, Johann Wilhelm Cordes and Luigi Calamatta, chosen from the holdings of the National Museum of San Carlos in a pictorial and conceptual encounter between artistic coincidences and inspired in darkness and mystery.
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Relumbrante oscuridad: la manifestación del misterio : encuentros entre el neo-romanticismo de Juan Carlos del Valle y la colección del MNSC = Dazzling darkness : the expression of mystery : encounters between Juan Carlos del Valle's neo-romanticism and the MNSC collection
2018, Secretaría de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes
in Spanish
- Primera edición.
6076055235 9786076055236
Book Details
Table of Contents
Presentación / Maria Cristina García Cepeda
Prólogo / Lidia Camacho Camacho
Relumbrante oscuridad / Carmen Gaitán Rojo
Dazzling darkness: the expression of mystery: encounter between the neo-romanticism of Juan Carlos del Valle and the MNSC collection
Foreword / Maria Cristina García Cepeda
Prologue / Lidia Camacho Camacho
Dazzling darkness
Creaciones y criaturas: el arte de la oscuridad = Creations and creatures: the art of darkness
La exposición, una experiencia = The exhibition, an experience
A volar (Núcleo 1) = Let's fly
Hacia la oscuridad (Núcleo 2) = Toward darkness
Cunetos de hadas (Núcleo 3) = Fairy tales
Mitologías oscuras (Núcleo 4) = Dark mythologies
Oscuridad del ser (Núcleo 5) = The darkness of beign
El más allá (Núcleo 6) = The great beyond
Noche (Núcleo 7) = Night
Hacia la luz (Núcleo 8) = Toward the light
Catalogue of MNSC, works
Curriculum vitae (síntesis) = Curriculum vitae (synthesis).
Edition Notes
Published on the occasion of the exhibition held from December 9, 2017 to February 25, 2018 at the Museo Nacional de San Carlos, in Mexico City.
Parallel title from added title page.
Includes bibliographical references.
In Spanish and English.
The Physical Object
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