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Nilo-Saharan languages, CongressesEdition | Availability |
Nilo-Saharan: models and descriptions
2015, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
in English
3896456652 9783896456656
Book Details
Table of Contents
Number and case inflection in Tennet noun and adjective -- Adelino Amargira
Case alignment(s) in Sinyar -- Pascal Boyeldieu
Case marking in Tugen -- Prisca Jerono
Case as meta-categorical heuristic in Ik grammaticography -- Terrill Schrock
Classifier, reflexive, and beyond: a synchronic and diachronic exploration of the morpheme /tsa/ 'body' in Gumuz -- Colleen Ahland
Locational nouns in Datooga -- Stefan Bruckhaus
The use of body part lexemes in Berta -- Susanne Neudorf
The Ama dual suffix: an internal reconstruction -- Russell Norton
Dual number in Ethiopian Komo -- Manuel A. Otero
The pronominal system of Baka -- Christine Waag & Martin Phodunze
Stamp morphs in Central Sudanic languages -- Gregory D.S. Anderson
Syntactic sensitivity and preferred clause structure in Majang -- Andreas Joswig
Complex verbal predicates in Uduk -- Don Killian
The philosophy of walking: motion and the verbs of walking in Cherang'any (Kalenjin) -- Angelika Mietzner
Perspectives on Nilotic verb composition: why can't we agree on the Maa verb? -- Doris L. Payne
Mixed pivot constraints in Toposa clause chaining -- Helga Schröder
Tone and tongue root as ventive morphemes in Endo-Marakwet -- Chelimo Andrew Kiprop
The relationship between syllable weight and stress in Dholuo -- Jane Akinyi Ngala Oduor
Eastern Nilotic vowel harmony and optimality theory: what can the optimal system look like? -- Diane Lesley-Neuman
Berta and the East Jebel subfamily: reinvestigating a Nilo-Saharan isolate -- Nate D. Bremer
The diachronic developments of KI Constructions in the Luo and Koman families -- Richard Griscom
Linguistic etiquette in a frontier situation: a case study from Chopi -- Anne Storch
Is Aroid Nilo-Saharan or Afro-Asiatic? Some evidences from phonological, lexical and morphological reconstructions -- Moges Yigezu.
Edition Notes
"...outcome of the 11th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium which took place in May 22nd-24th, 2013 at the University of Cologne."--Page 7.
Includes bibliographical references.
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