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In 1898 after the murder of a white woman, two young Seminoles were chained and burned alive. Hiding behind a wall of silence and fearing reprisal for identifying the executioners, virtually the entire white community became involved with the ghastly execution.
In this absorbing narrative Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr., captures the horror and details the events that incited this alarming act of mob violence and community complicity. Seminole Burning not only gives an account of a dramatic, violent chapter in Indian-white relations but also provides insights into the social, economic, and legal history of the times.
Because the lynchers took the victims out of Indian Territory and into the new state of Oklahoma for execution, the case became a target for federal investigation. With the conviction of six this became the first successful prosecution of lynchers in the Southwest.
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Previews available in: English
History, Indians, Treatment of, Land tenure, Lynching, Race relations, Seminole Indians, Social conditions, Treatment of Indians, Indians of north america, wars, 1815-1865, Indians of north america, southern states, Indians of north america, social conditions, Indians of north america, land tenure, United states, race relations, Oklahoma, history, Indians of north america, historyTimes
19th centuryEdition | Availability |
Seminole Burning: A Story of Racial Vengeance
2017, University Press of Mississippi
in English
1496813200 9781496813206
Seminole burning: a story of racial vengeance
1996, University Press of Mississippi
in English
0878059237 9780878059232
Book Details
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-208) and index.
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