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It's very rare to find a developers' reference that really satisfies the needs of both novices and advanced users. Author Tony Rudd has once more worked his magic to offer a book that does just that. Application Development Using OS/2 REXX goes right to the heart of what makes REXX tick in the OS/2 environment and avoids most of the superfluous details that are over the heads of beginners and below the level of advanced users. A concise and complete source of information, it teaches neophytes all the REXX essentials while providing old hands with a compact bench manual covering all key aspects of REXX. Complete worked examples, devoid of excess baggage, make even the most complex concepts clear and easy to understand. Throughout, Rudd places special emphasis on programming interfaces.
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 369-370) and index.
"A Wiley-QED publication."
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October 18, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
September 2, 2018 | Edited by Martin Iturbide | Edited without comment. |
July 18, 2018 | Edited by Martin Iturbide | Added new cover |
January 27, 2017 | Edited by Martin Iturbide | Added Information |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |