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Designs and iconographic motifs in seals, stamps or "estampaderas", Pre-Hispanic objects used to engrave receptacles or textiles, and to mark the skin, as seen in the impressive figures of El Perú-Waka, Petén, recently discovered. The collection is a wide selection that covers a great part of the cultural holdings of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of Guatemala, The Ruta Maya Foundation, and the Miraflores Museum, as well as a few private collections.
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Table of Contents
Editorial -- Estuardo Cuestas Morales
Sellos cilíndricos o estampaderas del periodo formativo en Mesoamérica =
Cylindrical Stamps or Estampaderas of the formative period in Mesoamerica -- Holly Sullivan Bachand
Sellos Prehispánicos =
Prehispanic Stamps --
Sellos, Museo Miraflores =
Stamps, Museu Miraflores --
Diseños y motivos iconográficos en los sellos prehispánicos =
Iconographic designs and motifs in Prehispanic Stamps -- Sofia Paredes Maury
Sellos o estampaderas asociadas a un entierro en Kaminaljuyu =
Stamps or Estampaderas associated to a burial at Kaminaljuyu -- Sergio A. Ericastilla Godoy
III Salón Nacional del Grabado: El grabado es un lenguaje en ascenso =
Third National Engraving Exhibitions: Engraving is a language on the rise -- Beatriz Colmenares, Lucrecia Cofiño de Prera.
Edition Notes
Cover title.
Includes bibliographical references.
Parallel text in Spanish and English.
The Physical Object
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