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The book deals with the changes in the concept of life which underlies the different local artistic production processes, from the time of utopias and the aesthetic revolution until the of the declining years 1980, which followed the coup d ' tat of 1973. The book is the outcome of the post-doctoral research project FONDECYT, that included the participation of the author Federico Galende, professor and Director of the Departamento de Teoría de las Artes of the Faculty of Arts,along with three alumni of the career of Teoria e Historia del Arte: Katherine Lincopil, Matias Allende and Diego Parra.
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Chilean Art, Avant-garde (Aesthetics), History, 20th centuryPlaces
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
Vanguardistas, críticos y experimentales: vida y artes visuales en Chile, 1960-1990
2014, Ediciones Metales Pesados
in Spanish
- Primera edición.
956841567X 9789568415679
Book Details
Table of Contents
I. Matta, el excéntrico
II. La vida en abstracto
III. De cuando soñar no era todavía del todo inútil
IV. El domingo de la historia
V. Cuerpos
VI. La cuisine visual, una experimentaicón sin vanguardia
VII. Destrucción y preservación de las pirámides.
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