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The case of allegiance due to soveraign powers: stated and resolved, according to scripture and reason, and the principles of the Church of England, with a more particular respect to the oath, lately enjoyned of allegiance to their present Majesties K. William and Q. Mary
1691, Printed for W. Rogers, at the Sun over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street
in English
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Edition Notes
Imprimatur on leaf pi1v: Imprimatur, Z. Isham, R.P.D. Henrico, Episc. Lond. à Sacris. Octob. 17. 1690.
Signatures: pi² A-I⁴ K².
Publisher's advertisement on leaf K2 recto, last page blank.
Wing S3269
English short title catalogue, R1604
The Physical Object
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