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Arie Schippers (1952) is one of the most gifted and versatile Dutch artists of recent decades. Trained at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, he won the Prix de Rome in 1977 with a series of paintings of figures in cafés and restaurants. Since then he has made a set of sculpted imaginary portraits, a large group of figure paintings from his imagination and plein air paintings of the Netherlands around the turn of this century, with service stations, furniture malls and It is a rich, yet complex oeuvre. It is not easy to convey an image of Arie Schippers. Nonetheless this winter we are going to try, in the Hôtel Lévis-Mirepoix. Our entry into the oeuvre is his work on paper. Schippers's sketchbooks will be displayed in showcases in all the rooms as the backbone to the exhibition. Since his time at the academy he has filled more than a hundred of them and they offer an insight into his mind. On page after page observations are noted, compositions tried out and characters developed. Exhibition: Fondation Custodia, Paris, France (13.12.2014-08.03.2015).
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Exhibitions, Dutch Drawing, Dutch PaintingPeople
Arie SchippersTimes
20th century, 21st centuryEdition | Availability |
Tussen notitie en droom: Werk op papier van Arie Schippers = Entre notation et rêve : L'oeuvre sur papier d'Arie Schippers
2014, De Weideblik
in Dutch
9077767533 9789077767535
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Parallel texts in Dutch and French.
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