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Collected writings of Tokden Tripa Jamyang Khyenrap Gyatso, (Tib. Rtogs ldan khri ba ʼJam-dbyangs-mkhyen-rab-rgya-mtsho, born 1933), a teacher in the Bon-po tradition and abbot of Tokden Monastery (Tib. Rtogs-ldan dgon), in Aba Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture (Tib. Rnga-ba) Sichuan Province.
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Bon (Tibetan religion), Bon Abhidharma, Bon lamas, BiographyPlaces
China, Sichuan Sheng, Tibet RegionEdition | Availability |
Rtogs-ldan Khri Rin-po-che ʼJam-dbyangs-mkhyen-rab-rgya-mtshoʼi gsung ʼbum
2009, Si-khron Dpe-skrun Tshogs-pa ; Si-khron Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun Khang
in Tibetan
- Par gzhi dang po bsgrigs.
7540942592 9787540942595
Book Details
Table of Contents
vol. 1. Sde snod rin po cheʼi mdzod kyi rtsa baʼi tshig ʼgrel legs par bshad pa dpyod ldan snying gi nor bu
- vol. 2. Sde snod mdzod kyi ʼbras bu gsang sngags kyi tshig ʼgrel dpon gsas bla maʼi zhal lung
vol. 3. Bslab byaʼi skor
Bstod tshogs kyi skor
Zhabs brtan gsol ʼdebs skor
Bla brgyud rnam thar gyi skor
Tshig ʼgrel gyi skor
vol. 4. ʼDon tshogs kyi skor
Dbang khrid dang phyag bzhes kyi skor
Nyams len gyi skor.
Edition Notes
In Tibetan.
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