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Ein Sermon von dem gebet vnd procession in der Creutzwochen / D. Martini Luther Augustiner zu wittenbergk
1519, [Jobst Gutkneckt]
in German
Book Details
Edition Notes
Offended at practices connected with the post Ascension Day processions, Luther here offers suggestions for the proper observance of this period, via prayers for Divine protection of the fruits of the field, together with petitions for assistance in avoiding the temptations of drunkenness, gluttony, and idleness
Signatures: A⁴
Imprint from Benzing
Benzing, J. Lutherbibliographie, 380
Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), L 6329
WA 2. 172 ff
Gatch, M. Library of Leander van Ess, D691
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