The Routledge Companion to the Reception of Ancient Greek and Roman Gender and Sexuality

1st edition

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Last edited by afuhm
December 22, 2022 | History

The Routledge Companion to the Reception of Ancient Greek and Roman Gender and Sexuality

1st edition

This Companion covers a range of receptions of ancient Greek and Roman gender and sexuality. It explores ancient representations of these concepts as we define them today, as well as recent perspectives that have been projected back onto antiquity.

Beginning in antiquity, the chapters examine how the ancient Greeks and Romans regarded concepts of what we would today call "gender" and "sexuality" based on the evidence available to us, and chart the varied interpretations and receptions of these concepts across time to the present day. In exploring how different cultures have "received" the classical past, the volume investigates these cultures’ different interpretations of Greek and Roman sexualities, and what these interpretations can reveal about their own attitudes. Through the contributions in this book, the reader gains a deeper understanding of this essential part of human existence, derived from influential sources. From ancient to modern and postmodern perspectives, from cinematic productions to TikTok videos, receptions of ancient gender and sexuality abound.

This volume is of interest to students and scholars of ancient history, gender and sexuality in the ancient world, and ancient societies, as well as those working on popular culture and gender studies more broadly.

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Table of Contents

1. "Never bury my bones apart from yours": Iliad Reception in Xena: Warrior Princess - Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld
2. Achilles and Patroclus Revisited (Again) - David Delbar
3. #Patrochilles: Find the Phallus - Bruce M. King and Lynn Kozak
4. Of Late I Dream of Lesbos: Renée Vivien’s Queer Utopias in the Aeolian Mode - J.L. Watson
5. A ‘Hollywood-Bowl Tiresias’: Antiquity and Trans- Identity in Gore Vidal’s Myra Breckinridge and Myron - Quentin Broughall
6. Panic in the oikos: female bodies, [re]productive anxiety and wasted landscapes in Greek myth and dystopian SF. Thinking about nature through gender in Hesiod, the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Blade Runner and The Handmaid's Tale - Larissa Tittl
7. "Je sentis tout mon corps et transir et brûler": Sublimating Ancient Sexuality in Jean Racine’s Phèdre et Hippolyte - Mary Hamil Gilbert
8. On the Reception of Same-Sex Marriage in Classical Greece and Beyond - K.R. Moore
9. Ancient & Modern Receptions of Eunuchs with a Focus on Alexander’s Bagoas - Andrew Michael Chugg
10. The Sexuality of the Argeads - Sabine Müller
11. Alexander the Great and Hephaistion in Fiction after Stonewall - Jeanne Reames
12. Patterns of Force: Receptions of Agesilaus II, Disability, and Greek Sexuality - Alexandra F. Morris
13. A Revised Interpretation of the Ancient Greek Hetaira - Stephanie Budin
14. Those infamous females: The (Ancient) Reception of the Sexuality of Hellenistic Queens - Alex McAuley & Ana Garcia Espinosa
15. Dover, Foucault and the Rules of South African Mine Marriages - Susan L. Haskins
16. Two Case Studies on Receptions of Sex & Power: Lucretia and Verginia - Paul Chrystal
17. Seduction Skills of Queen Cleopatra and Definitions of Masculinity in the Roman Literature - Jaakkojuhani Peltonen
18. Women’s Virgil: Reception as Re-imagination - Charlie Kerrigan
19. The Poet, the Puella, and the Penis: Impotence and Elegiac Failure in Maximianus and Ovid - Grace Funsten
20. Boudica as a Literary Figure in Cassius Dio - Heiko Kammers
21. The influence of Roman Laws Regarding Same-Sex acts on Homophobia in Africa - Susan Haskins
22. Roman Gender in the Roman de Silence - Sasha Kelly
23. Perfumes for Men, Perfumes for Women: the Uses of Scents and the Prejudice of Corruption in the Graeco-Roman World - Giuseppe Squillace
24. "Thirteen days were devoted to serving her passion": Amazon Queen Thalestris as a Sexual Male Fantasy in Roman Historiography and Medieval Epic - Jaakkojuhani Peltonen
25. The Reception of Classical Masculinity in Women’s Historical Novels - Leanne Bibby
26. The Sexuality of the "Tyrant" in Greek and Latin Literature and in the Walking Dead - Sabine Müller
27. Graeco-Roman Worship of the Beloved: The Ancient and Modern Cults of Antinous - Andrew Michael Chugg
28. Transgender Saints: Perpetua’s Legacy - Barbara Gold
29. A Prehistory of Intersex, or: The lives and Afterlives of the ‘Hermaphrodite’ - Chris Mowat
30. Female Agency in Greek Tragedy and its Receptions in the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries - Lorna Hardwick.

Edition Notes

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Chapter Author
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld
Chapter Author
David Delbar
Chapter Author
Bruce M. King
Chapter Author
Lynn Kozak
Chapter Author
J.L. Watson
Chapter Author
Quentin Broughall
Chapter Author
Larissa Tittl
Chapter Author
Andrew Michael Chugg
Chapter Author
Sabine Müller
Chapter Author
Jeanne Reames
Chapter Author
Alexandra F. Morris
Chapter Author
Stephanie Budin
Chapter Author
Alex McAuley
Chapter Author
Ana Garcia Espinosa
Chapter Author
Susan L. Haskins
Chapter Author
Paul Chrystal
Chapter Author
Jaakkojuhani Peltonen
Chapter Author
Charlie Kerrigan
Chapter Author
Grace Funsten
Chapter Author
Heiko Kammers
Chapter Author
Susan Haskins
Chapter Author
Sasha Kelly
Chapter Author
Giuseppe Squillace
Chapter Author
Leanne Bibby
Chapter Author
Barbara Gold
Chapter Author
Chris Mowat
Chapter Author
Lorna Hardwick

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Open Library

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December 22, 2022 Edited by afuhm Edited without comment.
December 22, 2022 Created by afuhm Added new book.