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This zine contains two articles and a call for submissions. "An Open Letter to Alix Dobkin" addresses the radical feminist's arguments about and opposed to transgender identity and the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, and addresses themes of transphobia, radical feminism, gay and lesbian communities, silenced minorities, male privilege, biological essentialism, and distinctions between transfeminine and transmasculine identities. "Third Wave Feminism Explained" includes a list of ways third-wave-feminism departs from second-wave-feminism, including a variety of approaches toward sexuality/sex, genderfucking, and creative resistance, and multiplicities of experience. This zine includes a call for submissions to the transfeminist anthology and bios of the editors.
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Feminism, Third-wave feminism, Asian American women, People with disabilities, Lesbians, Transgender peoplePeople
Alix DobkinPlaces
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Cover title.
From cover: "Also featuring: Third Wave Feminism Explained, CFP: Transfeminist Anthology."
From back cover: "Emi Koyama is a student and the board co-chair of Survivor Project, the non-profit agency dedicated to addressing the needs of intersex and trans survivors of domestic and sexual violence."
Gift of Dionne Herbert, donated in 2007.
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