An edition of American studies as media studies (2008)

American studies as media studies

American studies as media studies
Frank Kelleter, Daniel Stein, ...

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November 30, 2023 | History
An edition of American studies as media studies (2008)

American studies as media studies

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Cover of: American studies as media studies
American studies as media studies
2008, Winter
in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

I. Strange sympathies: horizons of media theory in America and Germany
II. The book as medium and the mediality of literature. Building the better book: conversation, complication, and the constitution of the medium in The sketch-book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent / Mary Anne Snyder-Körber
"Earth adhering to their roots": Dickinson, Whitman, and the ecology of bookmaking / Christine Gerhardt
The noises of modernist form: John Dos Passos's Manhattan trnasfer, Zora Neale Hurston's Their eyes were watching God, and the soundscapes of modernity / Philipp Schweighauser
Computer fictions: literary representation and computational media / John Johnston
III. Playing Indian: aesthic experience, recognition, Identity / Winfried Fluck
IV. Visual culture. "Golden all through": inter-hemispheric coloration to Spofford's "The amber gods" / R.J. Ellis
"After all, disaster is my muse": Art Spiegelman's In the shadow of no towers / Christina Meyer
"No more idols but me": Sylvia Plath as cinema icon / Georgina Banita
Representing natural catastrophes: nature and technology in Hollywood disaster movies / Nicole Schröder
V. "Is that what they think a real man looks like?": Hollywood, gender, and consumption / Pamela Church Gibson
VII. Intermediality: images-music-text. Memory, intermediality, and the (cognitive) sciences: re-cognizing cultural studies / Sabine Sielke
The intermedial experiments of modernist portraiture" Mina Loy and Gerturde Stein / Ulla Haselstein
From text-centered intermediality to cultural intermediality; or, How to make intermedia studies more cultural / Daniel Stein
Diamanda Galás: defining the space in-between / Julia Meier
VII. From PCs to iPods and beyond: the role of technologies and media in the United States / James W. Cortada
VIII. Politics and the public sphere. Challenging the political establishment: William Randolph Hearst, muckraking, and New York politics, 1905-1906 / Daniel Gossel
The mediated race to the White House: the institutionalization and development of Presidential debates / Matthias S. Fifka
Sentimental education, morality, and all the little things / Ulf Schulenberg
Dismantling the public sphere: the poetics of apathy / Astrid Franke
Electronic disturbances: creative resistance on the Net / Pia Wiegmink
IX. The didactics of media studies. Bringing home Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-five: war against cities, and e-teaching on one of its locales / Bruno Arich-Gerz
The aftermath of 9/11 in literature and in blogs: a comparative approach / Martina Wolff.

Edition Notes

Papers originally presented at the 53rd annual conference of the German Association for American Studies, which took place in June 2006 at the University of Göttingen.

Includes bibliographical references.

Published in
American studies -- v. 167, American studies (Munich, Germany) -- v. 167.
Copyright Date


Library of Congress
E169.1 .A489 2008

The Physical Object

xvi, 301 pages
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Deutsche National Bibliothek

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