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Exhibitions, Caricatures and cartoons, History, Pictorial German wit and humor, Pictorial French wit and humor, Influence, Pictorial English wit and humor, Politics and government, London und Paris, Lipperheidesche Kostümbibliothek (Berlin, Germany)Places
Germany, Europe, Weimar (Thuringia, Germany), France, Great BritainEdition | Availability |
Napoleons neue Kleider: Pariser und Londoner Karikaturen im klassischen Weimar
2006, G + H Verlag
in German
3931768910 9783931768911
Book Details
Edition Notes
Catalog of an exhibition held Oct. 20, 2006-Jan. 7, 2007 at the Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
Accompanying CD-ROM entitled: Englische Karikaturen der Lipperheideschen Kostümbibliothek.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-278) and index.
System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: 133 MHz PC; 50 MB available hard disk space; Windows 2000 (or higher); Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher); 1024x768 screen resolution; 16 bit (minimum) CD-ROM drive.
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