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Music, Semiotics, Philosophy and aestheticsEdition | Availability |
A sounding of signs: modalities and moments in music, culture, and philosophy : essays in honor of Eero Tarasti on his 60th anniversary
2008, International Semiotics Institute
in English
9525431231 9789525431230
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Table of Contents
Semiotics of music and musicology. Classical narratology and narrative analyses in music / Márta Grabócz ; An interpretation of expressive meaning in the first movement of Schubert's String quartet in A minor, D. 804 / Robert S. Hatten ; Conceptualizing MIDI / Kai Lassfolk ; The absent meaning of music / Raymond Monelle ; Gesture and meaning in the musical languages of India / Lewis Rowell ; Parsifal as the undoing of Kundry / Anne Sivouja-Gunaratnam ; The immanence of performance in medieval song / Leo Treitler
Semiotics of culture. SemioSynaesthesiArts / Stefania Guerra Lisi and Gino Stefani ; Silence, language, and experience / Pirjo Kukkonen ; Does Imatra represent all of Finland? / Pekka Pesonen ; In the footsteps of Matias Alexander Castrén / H. K. Riikonen ; Identity of cultural texts and Creolization of cultural languages / Peeter Torop ; Icons of the mind (1614) / Vilmos Voigt
Semiotic theory and philosophy. A sociosemiotic model of the standards for discursive validation / Kristian Bankov ; Quelques titres de problèmes en sémiotique existentielle / Anne Hénault ; Une étrange absence : Jean-Jacques Nattiez face à la sémiotique d'Eero Tarasti / Jean-Marie Jacono ; The surplus value of the mythic in iconography, and in style / Altti Kuusamo ; Façons de faire / Eric Landowski ; The ethic imperative in Eero Tarasti's semiotic path / Dario Martinelli ; Semiotics and philosophy : comments on John Deely / Ilkka Niiniluoto ; Existential semiotics as the basis of general semiotics and special semiotics / Susan Petrilli and Augusto Ponzio ; The transcendental method in metaphysics / Sami Pihlström.
Edition Notes
"In honor of Professor Eero Tarasti on his 60th anniversary, 27 September, 2008."
"Tabula Gratulatoria" inserted in front.
Includes bibliographical references.
Text in English and French.
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