Anthology of the theological writings of J. Michael Reu

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December 30, 2024 | History

Anthology of the theological writings of J. Michael Reu

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Publish Date
E. Mellen Press

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Book Details

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Published in
Texts and studies in religion ;


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
BX8080.R385 A25 1997, BM535 .R33 1979, BV4390 .B33 1982, BR744 .B43 1982, BT734.2 .W35 1984, R725.56 .K45 1979, BR335 .S44 1990, BX958.A23 G55 1992, BR1002 .H35 1992, BL695 .R43 1994, BL1595 .K74 1995, BR1720.G8 A94 1995, BR1720.A9 F67 1995, D56 .M67 1996, BX4705.A742 A4 1997, BR377 .D74 1997, BX9869.S4 H55 1997, BV4009 .B8 1997, D183.3 .W55213 2001, B666.Z7 C45, BT82.2 .R3, R724 .K435, D810.J4 B438 1979, BX7795.J384 A37 1984, BT481 .C695 1985, BX1276 .H44 1986, BX4844 .B37 1986, BR333.5.A5 L5613 1986, BX1492 .C24 1986, BV370.A1 D73 1989, BX1810 .G4413 1990, BR759 .R46 1989, BL60, BX4946.D4 A2515 1989, BR420.H9 U64 1989, BR333 .L27 1990, BS1525 .C35713 1990, BT304.95 .F76 1990, BV310 .M25 1990, BR350.F3 H49 1990, B765.N53 D67513 1991, D183.3.W55213 2001, BX375.E66 C58 2005, BT695.5 .D37 1997, BX8080.R385 A25 1996

The Physical Object

v, 357 p. :
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