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"There is a health revolution brewing. Many people know there's something terribly broken about the industrial food, medical, and pharmaceutical systems, but they don't know what it is. It's no wonder, because there is an intricate political and corporate apparatus in place to keep them from finding out. People think heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are inherited, not realizing that what they've actually inherited are the eating habits of their parents and grandparents. Lifestyle choices like diet and (lack of) exercise are responsible for about 70 percent of deaths in this country. Diseases that kill millions can be prevented, or even reversed. What The Health takes you on an adventure, uncovering the lethal entwining of the food, medical, and pharmaceutical industries with our own government, and the corporate, legislative web designed to confuse the public and keep Americans chronically--and profitably--ill"
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Previews available in: English
Medicine, Health, Physical fitness, Diet, Lifestyles, Ingestion, Life Style, Médecine, Santé, Alimentation, Style de vie, Medicines (material)Edition | Availability |
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"The official book from the film that is shaking the nation"--Cover.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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