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Dreams and scripture in Luke-Acts: collected essays
2006, Peeters
in English
9042917504 9789042917507
Dreams and scripture in Luke-Acts: collected essays
2005, Peeters
in English
9042917504 9789042917507
Book Details
Table of Contents
Why does Jesus not dream? : divine communication in Luke-Acts
Trustworthy dreams? : about dreams and references to scripture in 2 Maccabees 14-15, Josephus' Antiquitates Judaicae 11.302-347 and in the New Testament
Isaiah in Luke-Acts
Purity and impurity of the body in Luke-Acts
Simeons Worte (Lk 2,29-32.34c-35) and Israels Geschick
Holy place and Hannah's prayer : a comparison of LAB 51 and Luke 2:22-39 à propos 1 Sam 1-2
Im Schatten des Aeneas : Paulus in Troas (Apg 16,8-10)
As close to the synagogue as can be : Paul in Corinth (Acts 18,1-18)
Why did Paul shave his hair (Acts 18,18)? : Nazirate and Temple in the book of Acts.
Edition Notes
Collection of essays previously published in various sources.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
English (7 essays) and German (2 essays).
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