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Politics and government, Politicians, Biography, Schily, Otto,People
Otto Schily (1932-)Places
1945-Edition | Availability |
Otto Schily: Vom RAF-Anwalt zum Innenminister
2003, Hoffmann und Campe
in German
- 1. Auflage
3455094155 9783455094152
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 380-[394]) and index.
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October 15, 2023 | Edited by indy133 | additions |
December 8, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
April 28, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Linked existing covers to the work. |
February 13, 2010 | Edited by WorkBot | add more information to works |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |