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Previews available in: English
Finance, Economic policy, Debts, External, Economic development, External Debts, DEVELOPMENT FINANCE, Auslandsschulden, Financas, Internationaler Kreditmarkt, Financiële politiek, Pays en développement, FMI, Dette extérieure, Wirtschaftsentwicklung, DEVELOPMENT FINANCE INSTITUTIONS, Finanzpolitik, Finanzwirtschaft, Développement économique, MONETARY POLICY, Politique financière, FINANCIAL FLOWS, Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développementPlaces
Developing countriesEdition | Availability |
1 |
Financial policies and development
1989, Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Publications and Information Centre, distributor]
in English
9264131876 9789264131873
Book Details
Edition Notes
"A condensed version of a book published in early 1989 under the same title"--Pref.
"An International Center for Economic Growth publication."
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