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The Dripping Tamarinds is a novel.
Cecil Champain Lowis wrote more than a dozen novels which were set, or at least partially set, in Burma.
Lowis was appointed to the Indian Civil Service after examinations in 1885 and was appointed to a district in Burma in 1888. He served in Burma as magistrate and travelling judge. He also conducted the Census of India, in Burma, and was lent to the Egyptian government in order to conduct the Census of Egypt in 1907. He then returned as Superintendent of Ethnography, Burma, until he retired in 1912.
During the 1914-1918 war he served in France from 1917 in the Labour Corps, and was until May 1918, in command of an Labour Company as acting Captain. He was promoted to temporary Lieutenant, Indian Labour Corps, 30 January 1919.
"The first part of The Dripping Tamarinds passes in Upper Burma where Norman Fendle is assistant commissioner in a small up country station. The war comes and after experience in Mesopotamia where he is wounded, Fendle is in command of an Indian labour company in France. There he meets Ursula Underwick formerly of the English community in Burma, who has become a nurse. The story ends in tragedy. Like other novels by Cecil Lowis, this one is well written. Life in the two regions is skilfully described and there is effective contrast between the incidents and the people and between the moods and the viewpoints of peacetime in Burma and war-time in France" (Source "From Burma to France" The Argus (Melbourne, Vic) 18 Aug 1933 Page 5
This was a fictionalised account of the Burmese Labour Corps in France. (Source Radhika Singha
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