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The European Union's self-confidence and sense of purpose have become casualties of the fall of communism, and, as a result, uncertainty over the European Union's political and economic future within the post-Soviet world is intensifying. As common political, security and economic Cold-War bonds have loosened, a dangerously divisive struggle between member-state national self-interest and the Union's collective best interests has been revealed.
The European House of Cards argues that if the Union's member-states continue to undermine their common power and effectiveness through 'nation-state-first' bickering and ideological conflict, they risk paying a very high price. For it is certain that the rapid pace of post-Cold-War change will not pause to grant the Union members extra time to put their much-divided house in order.
To the contrary, it is in the midst of this fluctuating and insecure world that the European Union is being forced to assume the responsibilities befitting a new world power. It is precisely at this critical juncture that greater unity among Union nations holds the key not only to the survival of the European Union, but to that of the continent.
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Previews available in: English
Council of the European Union, European cooperation, European federation, Post-communism, Treaty on European Union, Treaty on European Union (1992), UE/CE Traité de Maastricht, UE/CE Historique et perspectives, Europäische Integration, Europäische Politische Zusammenarbeit, Treaty on European Union (1992 February 7), UE/CE Etats membres, Sécurité européenne, Aspects juridiques, European Union, Réformes économiques, UE/CE Relations extérieures, Post-communism, europePlaces
EuropeEdition | Availability |
European House of Cards: Towards a United States of Europe?
2016, Palgrave Macmillan
in English
1349239569 9781349239566
The European house of cards: towards a United States of Europe?
1995, St. Martin's Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer
in English
0333621247 9780333621240
3 |
4 |
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 152-162) and index.
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