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The classic irreverent look at the past — now updated with even more appalling facts!Fourteen billion or so years ago, the Big Bang exploded — and it's been downhill from there. For every spectacular discovery throughout history, there have been hundreds of devastating epidemics; for every benevolent despot, a thousand like Vlad the Impaler; for every cup half-full, a larger cup half-empty. This enthralling, enlightening, and devilishly entertaining chronicle of disasters and dastardly deeds brings to light the darkest events in history and the most abysmal calamities to strike the far.88 BC: Mithridates VI Eupator provides an early example of genocide by massacring 100,000 Romans.1347: Saint Vitus' Dance Epidemic shimmies across Europe like a deadly disco fever, leaving its victims twitching, uncontrollably leaping, and foaming at the mouth.1888: Jack the Ripper stalks through the dark alleys of Whitechapel, England, turning the world's oldest profession into the world's most dangerous one.1939: A Swiss chemist wins a Nobel Prize for developing DDT — and the environment gets another nail in the coffin.2005: Hurricane Katrina devastates the Gulf Coast. In a classic double whammy, the government response also devastates the Gulf Coast.And much, much more!
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Edition | Availability |
The Pessimist's Guide to History 3e: An Irresistible Compendium of Catastrophes, Barbarities, Massacres, and Mayhem
May 6, 2008, Collins
in English
006143101X 9780061431012
The pessimist's guide to history: an irresistible compendium of catastrophes, barbarities, massacres, and mayhem -- from 14 billion years ago to 2007
2008, Collins
in English
- Updated ed.
006143101X 9780061431012
The Pessimist's Guide to History
2008, HarperCollins
Electronic resource
in English
0061781711 9780061781711
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"3rd ed., First Collins ed."--T.p. verso.
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