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Feudal law, Investiture (Feudal law)Places
EuropeBook Details
Edition Notes
The Repetitio super legem imperialem de prohibita feudi alienatione per Federicum was first published in 1539. In the present ed. it has separate paging, signatures, and t.p. reading: Repetitio l. imperialem de prohib. feud. alienat. per Feder. ..., with imprint: Neapoli : Apud Iosephum Cachium & Socios, 1569.
Colophon of 1st work: Neapoli : Apud Iohannem de Boy, 1569. Colophon of 2nd: Neapoli : Apud Iosephum Cacchium & Socios, 1569.
Signatures: A-T⁶ V⁸ X-Z⁶ &⁴ ²A⁴ B-F⁶(F⁶ probably blank; wanting in LC copy).
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