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Binds together over 70 of the anti-evolutionary theory pamphlets and leaflets of the British creationist organization called the Evolution Protest Movement.
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Table of Contents
Evolution today (1948)
Reasons why biologists refuse to debate evolution
A Freethinker kicks against the pricks
How the Daily Telegraph stifles evidence against evolution / by Douglas Dewar
Recent opinions of biologists on evolution (2nd ed.)
Comments on the debate between Douglas Dewar, F.Z.S. and L. Merson Davies, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., F.G.S. for the Evolution Protest Movement and Prof. J.B.S. Haldane, F.R.S. for the Rationalist Press Association published under the title "Is evolution a myth?"
Devolution / by Douglas Dewar
Rationalists in retreat / W.E. Filmer
Evolutionary fables and geological facts / L.M. Davies
Why I believe in creation / by Newman Watts
Embryology and evolution / by L. Merson Davies.
Do vestigial organs exist? / by Douglas Dewar
Those missing links / by Douglas Dewar
More about those missing links / by Douglas Dewar
The missing link mania / by Douglas Dewar
Science and pseudo-science / by L.M. Davies
How they choose our ancestors : a protest to the trustees of the British Museum
Obsessions of biologists / by Douglas Dewar and L.M. Davies
Evolution : the tactics of the Science Masters Association (2nd ed.)
Teaching evolution in schools
Biological facts and fancies
The sophistry of Dr. Donald O. Soper and its antidote
The Royal Society of New Zealand refuses to debate evolution
The evolution theory in its relation to tooth replacement / by F. Gordon Cawston
Dr. Julian Huxley's "glorious paradox."
Why I reject the doctrine of evolution / by a member of the Victoria Institute
An atheist kicks against the pricks
Evolution & morals / by W.E. Filmer
The Bible and evolution / by L.M. Davies
Creation or evolution / by D.S. Milne
The fluorine method of dating fossils
The first animals : filmstrip lectures on evolution / prepared by W.E. Filmer
The "science" of Dr. Julian Huxley / by L.M. Davies
The intolerance of the B.B.C.
Dr. Heribert Nilsson's views on the theory of evolution
The phenomena of making inexplicable by the "evolution-mechanism" / by E. Johanssen [two copies]
Evolution or Christianity? : being the substance of a dialogue between Mr. A. Long ... and Lt.-Col. L.M. Davies ... at a youth rally at St. George's-Tron Church, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, on Saturday, 2nd February, 1946
Evolution against Christian doctrine / by W.E. Filmer
The coelacanth
Are scientists always scientific?
Evolution's empty slogan
Professor J.B.S. Haldane's parting shot : Darwin or Moses?
Is evolution, or the Bible, true?
Evolution : fact or fiction?
Requiem for evolution : a belated review of "Evolution : the modern synthesis" by Professor Julian Huxley
Mimicry and evolution / by Bernard Acworth
Book review ... "Religion without revelation" by Sir Julian Huxley
Scientific method and evolution / by C.E.A. Turner
Evolution and its fruit (parts 1 & 2)
Entropy disproves evolution
Wild "time" by evolution's clock
Nature, scripture, evolution
"Take no one's word," but ours?
Was Adam evolved or created? : Does it really matter?
Darwin and natural selection / by Bernard Acworth
Proofs of the existence of God / by A.G. Tilney
Proofs that the Bible is true / A.G. Tilney
God took "risks" in making men and women
Horse sense about horse evolution.
Do you know these 10 facts about the theory of evolution?
"Pithecanthropus" ("Ape-man") : the facts
The bird archaeopteryx : no link
Book reviews : Darwinism self-condemned
Evolution and history
Evolution and the creation of man
Book review : "The humanist frame" (ed. Sir Julian Huxley)
Four weak links
Evolution, the mammoth and the flood / by Bernard Acworth
Partnership : planned or accidental?
Questions and answers about evolution
Historical geology and evolution
The evasiveness of evolution
A note on the diatomaceae and an inability to reconcile them with evolution
Book review : A century of Darwin
News letter : Darwin centenary year
Cetacea : a short review of some of the difficulties of the evolution theory / by Frank Cousins
What we protest against : the substance of an address given by Mr. F.W. Cousins on behalf of the Evolution Protest Movement.
Book review : The twilight of evolution
Evolution and philosophy (perverted, as seen in) Teilhard De Chardin's "Phenomena of Man"
Evolutionary magic or creative miracle?
Evolution : more recent opinions (mostly) to 1963
Darwin and Christianity
No sign of evolution in my garden
Book review : "The antecedents of man" by Sir W.E. Le Gros Clark
Book review : "The Genesis flood" (Whitcomb and Morris)
Evolution and miracles
Charles Lyell's monstrous error of anti-catastrophism
Evolution : how the doctrine is propogated in our schools (3rd ed.)
Notes on recent books, etc., dealing with evolution
Evolution and its danger / W. Bell Dawson
Evolution, disease and death
Evolution : the modern superstition
by John McKellar
Pernicious propaganda by the B.B.C. : a protest
The apostasy grows.
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