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Comisión II, Fechamiento y Análisis Isotópicos en Prehistoria: Coloquio Tecnicas de Datación en el Paleolítico : con especial referencia a la primera aparición del hombre moderno
1981, Union Internacional de Ciencias Prehistoricas y Protohistoricas
in English and French
Book Details
Table of Contents
Thermoluminescence dating in the paleolithic -- M.J. Aitken
TL dating on French paleolithic sites -- M. Schvoerer
Uranium series dating in archaeological sites in France -- H.P. Schwarcz
Direct dating in Tautavel man by non destructive gamma-ray spectrometry of fossil human skull arago XXI -- Y. Yokoyama
Principle of electron spind resonance (ESR) dating -- M. Ikeya
Archaeological radiation dose of bones at anthropologically important sites with electron spin resonance -- M. Ikeya and T. Miki
Application of fission track method to archaeological problems -- D.S. Miller
Magnetostratigraphy applied to unconsolidated sediments -- V.A. Schmidt and A. McPherron
Radiocarbon dating of the palaeolithic -- J.C. Vogel
La datation par le carbone 14 des ossements du gisement paleolithique de la ferrassie -- G. Delibrias
Accelerator ¹⁴C dating in prehistoric archaeology and anthropology -- A. Long
Amino acid racemization dating and its application to fossil bones from Italy -- G. Belluomini
Racemization of amino acids in fossil bones and teeth from the Olduvai Gorge region, Tanzania, East Africa -- J.L. Bada
Dating problems in paleoanthropolgy -- R. Protsch.
Edition Notes
At head of title: Union Internacional de Ciencias Prehistoricas y Protohistoricas, miembro del Consejo Internacional de Filosofía y de las Ciencias Humanas de la UNESCO, Paris, X Congreso.
"Mexico, D.F., Octubre 19-24, 1981."
Includes bibliographical references.
English ; one article in French; t.p. in Spanish.
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