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Igneous Rocks, Intrusions (Geology), Ore deposits, Sills (Geology), Petrology, Stratigraphic Geology, Igneous rocksTimes
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Layered intrusions of southeastern Manitoba and northwestern Ontario: May 22-24, 1985
1986, Geological Association of Canada
in English
Book Details
Table of Contents
Sect. A. Igneous layering in the ultramafic series, Bird River Sill / R.F.J. Scoates, B.L. Williamson, and J.M. Duke
Sect. B. The Falcon Lake Igneous Complex, southeastern Manitoba / W. Mandziuk, W.C. Brisbin and R.F.J. Scoates
Sect. C. Igneous layering and stratigraphy of the Mulcahy Gabbro / R.H. Sutcliffe.
Edition Notes
At head of title: Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Canadian Geophysical Union, joint annual meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, 1986.
On cover: GAC, MAC, CGU-AGC, AMC, UCG.
Includes bibliographies.
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