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The aim of this mathematical monography is to give a treatment of the theory of functions of one quaternionic variable, starting with the algebraic construction of the division ring of the quaternions and ending with a derivation of several extensions of famous theorems of complex analysis to the quaternions (such as the Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy-Goursat's theorem, Morera's theorem, Taylor and Laurent series expansions exc.).
We will also focus on the geometric properties of quaternions, such as their ability to represent 3-dimensional rotations and the ways in which they're employed for spherical interpolation of rotations.
The text, moreover, contains numerous examples and exercises, as they're a crucial part of the learning process. To make this text accessible to as much people as possible, the latter also presents a quick recap of all the general topology, algebraic topology and differential geometry needed to understand the text.
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quaternionic analysis, quaternions, quaternion, mathematics, hypercomplex analysis, hypercomplex numbers, maths, analysis, calculus, quaternionic calculus, derivatives of quaternions, quaternion calculus, quaternion analysis, Quaternion Functions, hypercomplex number systemsPlaces
Dublin (Ireland)Edition | Availability |
Quaternionic Analysis: Functions of one quaternionic variable
August 2, 2023, Independent
- First edition
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January 7, 2024 | Edited by hsnbrn | Edited without comment. |
January 7, 2024 | Edited by hsnbrn | Added more info |
January 7, 2024 | Created by hsnbrn | Added new book. |