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1391-1474 dge 'dun grub pa/ tA ...

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August 11, 2024 | History


Verse work in praise of the life of Shakyamuni Buddha. Written by Dalai Lama 01 Gedun Drubpa (1391-1474).

Publish Date
K. lhundup

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Table of Contents

sangs rgyas kyi sku la bstod pa/
sangs rgyas kyi gsung la bstod pa/
sangs rgyas kyi thugs la bstod pa/
byang chub tu thugs bskyed nas sangs rgyas tshul la bstod pa/
dam pa tog dkar gyi mdzad pa la bstod pa/
gzigs pa lnga'i mdzad pa la bstod pa/
byams pa rgyal tshab tu dbang bskur tshul la bstod pa/
lha nas 'bab pa la bstod pa/
yum gyi lhums su bzhugs tshul la bstod pa/
gzhon nu sku bltams tshul la bstod pa/
mtshan 'dogs tshul la bstod pa/
gzhan la phan phyir sgyu rtsal sbyong tshul la bsngags pa/
btsun mo bzhes pa bskul ba la bsngags pa/
gzhon nu 'dod pa'i skyon la smad pa/
sngon gyi dam pa'i rnam thar bzhin rgyal srid bskyong bar bzhed pa/
bud med bzang po'i yon tan la bsngags pa/
sgyu rtsal 'gran pa'i tshul la bsngags pa/
btsun mo bzhes te khab tu bzhugs tshul la bsngags pa/
khab nas myur du byung zhes bskul ba la bsngags pa/
na rga 'chi ba'i sdug bsngal la gzigs te rab tu byung bar bzhed pa/
khyim spangs te rab tu byung ba la bsngags pa/
lo drug dka' spyad mdzad pa la bsngags pa/
sku lus kyi stobs bskyed pa la bsngags pa/
byang chub shing dbang gi drung du gshegs pa la bsngags pa/
bla med byang chub thob par dam bca' brtan por mdzad pa la bsngags pa/
bdud 'joms pa'i mdzad pa la bsngags pa/
bla na med pa'i byang chub brnyes pa'i tshul la bsngags pa/
thog mar chos 'khor bskor bar mdzad pa la bsngags pa/
dge 'dun grub pas mdzad pa'i bstod pa/

Edition Notes

Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center CC-BY

In Tibetan

Published in
Other Titles
bcom ldan 'das thub pa'i dbang po'i rnam par thar pa la bstod pa bdud dpung phye mar 'thag pa, poetical praise of the biography of the buddha, Poetical praise of the biography of the Buddha /by rJe-dGe-aDun-Grub-pa ; edited by L. Jamspal.

The Physical Object

[electronic resource]
34 p.
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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