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Journal of the Senate after the House and the Senate were called together by Joseph E. Brown, Governor of Georgia, in response to a letter he had sent to them to address the issues of the Militia, the Georgia Military Institute, military appropriation, impressment, the penitentiary, arming the slaves and the present and prospective condition of the state. They also dealt with other items of government business.
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Journal of the Senate of the extra session of the General Assembly, of the state of Georgia: convened by proclamation of the Governor, at Macon, February 15th, 1865
2000, Academic Affairs Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
in English
- Electronic ed.
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Edition Notes
Title from electronic title page.
This electronic edition is part of the UNC-CH digitization project's database, Documenting the American South. It is part of the collection The Southern homefront, 1861-1865.
Text entered by Apex Data Services, Inc. Images scanned by David Faflik. Text encoded by Natalia Smith.
Text in both HTML and SGML formats.
Transcribed from: Journal of the Senate of the extra session of the General Assembly, of the state of Georgia : convened by proclamation of the Governor, at Macon, February 15th, 1865. Milledgeville, Ga. : Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, state printers, 1865. 182 p. ; 23 cm. Includes index.
Funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services supported the electronic publication of this title.
Mode of access: Internet World Wide Web.
System requirements: PC with modem or direct Internet connection; Panorama for SGML files.
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