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"As in the field of "Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis" there was and is a continuous progress this is now the second extended edition of the corresponding monograph. This comprehensive book is about the study of invariant pseudodistances (non-negative functions on pairs of points) and pseudometrics (non-negative functions on the tangent bundle) in several complex variables. It is an overview over a highly active research area at the borderline between complex analysis, functional analysis and differential geometry. New chapters are covering the Wu, Bergman and several other metrics. The book considers only domains in Cn and assumes a basic knowledge of several complex variables. It is a valuable reference work for the expert but is also accessible to readers who are knowledgeable about several complex variables." -- Publisher website.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Invariant distances and metrics in complex analysis
2013, De Gruyter
in English
- 2nd extended edition.
3110250438 9783110250435
Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis
2011, de Gruyter GmbH, Walter
in English
3110870312 9783110870312
Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis
1993, De Gruyter, Inc.
in English
3111774740 9783111774749
Invariant distances and metrics in complex analysis
1993, Walter de Gruyter
in English
3110132516 9783110132519
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. [387]-399) and index.
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