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Boxed set of 15 chapbooks with 3 each representing 5 periods of popular western literature; Classic, Medieval, Mannerist, Romantic, and Realist.
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Brazilian Chapbooks, Popular literaturePlaces
BrazilEdition | Availability |
Obras primas universais em cordel
2009, Queima Bucha
in Portuguese
- 1a. ed.
8598060755 9788598060750
Book Details
Table of Contents
1. A Ilíada / Homero
2. A Odisséia / Homero
3. A Eneida / Públio Virgílio Maro
4. A Canção do Rolando
5. A Divina Comédia / Dante Alighieri
6. O Decamerão / Giovanni Boccaccio
7. D. Quixote de La Mancha / Miguel de Cervantes
8. Romeu e Juliet / William Shakespeare
9. Sonho de uma Noite de Verão / William Shakespeare
10. O Doutor Fausto / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
11. O Médico e O Monstro / Robert Louis Stevenson
12. O Corcunda de Notre-Dame / Victor Hugo
13. Madame Bovary / Gustave Flaubert
14. O Vermelho e o Negro / Stendahl (Henri-Marie Beyle)
15. O Primo Basílio / José Maria de Eça de Queirós.
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