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This philosophical treatise, titled "Propositions," is the culminating product of years of intensive philosophical reflection. In this work, a continuous thread is woven from metaphysical domains to the frontiers of epistemology, philosophy of mind, ethics, and finally, politics. Utilizing logical resources, academic research, and drawing inspiration from renowned philosophers like Wittgenstein and Aristotle, the aim is to erect a theoretical framework to understand and explain essential phenomena of human nature and existence itself. Among these, the elusive subjective consciousness and the ideal ethical behavior for human beings stand out.
Throughout the pages of this writing, the following questions will be meticulously explored: What are the primary characteristics of existence, and what implications do they have for our world? How do the limits of reality condition the nature of God, ethics, and freedom? If God exists, what would be His true essence? What does meaning truly refer to, and what is its real foundation? What is the true nature of consciousness, and how can subjective experience be explained? What truly defines ethical conduct, and what is the most relevant criterion for our lives? How does this criterion integrate into the interpersonal and social conflicts that trouble us? What role does the State play based on this criterion?
In a rigorous and enlightening exercise, these pages will unravel the ontological, epistemological, and ethical complexities that shape our existence. With the conviction that philosophical inquiry provides us with the necessary tools to understand the essence of reality and our place in it, "Propositions" becomes an indispensable work for those restless in their quest to understand the great dilemmas of existence.
This work does not present an easy read but rather demands rigorous commitment and a willingness to delve into the complexity of philosophical thought. Therefore, readers are warned that this book requires analytical work and advanced reading. For those who feel challenged by philosophical thought and are willing to immerse themselves in an academic and analytical discourse, this work represents a unique opportunity to expand intellectual horizons and confront the inherent complexities of human nature and existence itself. It is a technical intellectual journey, nourished by the thoughts of great masters and guided by conceptual clarity and argumentative rigor.
Thus, the bold and committed reader is invited to delve into the depths of this work, where we will address transcendental truths and where doors to new perspectives on the world and our place in it will be opened.
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Philosophical treatise, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, ethics, political philosophy, Wittgenstein, Aristotle, subjective consciousness, ethical behavior, God, meaning, reality, consciousness, qualia, subjective experience, ontological complexity, epistemological issues, ethical frameworks, the State, existence, ultimate meaning, philosophical inquiry, analytical reading, intellectual challenge, identity, Hard Problem of Consciousness, traditional ethics critique, objective reward, radical free will, irreducible consciousness, qualia adaptation, transcendence, psycho-spiritual journey, happiness, well-beingEdition | Availability |
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August 30, 2024 | Edited by Sinapticasblog | Edited without comment. |
August 30, 2024 | Created by Sinapticasblog | Añadido nuevo libro. |