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This ebook, full of historical and scientific evidence, reveals the plan worked out for millennia by the Black Nobility through the Illuminati. The Black Nobility is an evil hybrid species that was created longtime ago by Satan, his fallen angels and the Anunnaki to take over our planet.
Through pandemics and vaccines, nuclear World War III, AI, famines, sexual inversion, climate changes and many other strategies showed in this book, this species wants to eliminate all human beings before Armageddon in 2028.
This book shows you who are the leaders, the servants and their present Agenda. The leaders of the UN, USA, NATO, EU, but also the CEO of NASA, ESA, CERN and many others organizations are not human and those who are human are corrupt.
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NWO, Illuminati, Black Nobility, Committee of 300, Freemasons, Protocols of Zyon, depopuation, covid, vaccines, mRNA, graphene oxyde, Internet of Things, adrenochrome, fallen angels, Nephilim, hybrydization, changeling, femtobots, black goo, Starlink, nazis, CIA, ISIS, Soros, Gates, Trump, Harris, Clinton, MuskPeople
Rothschild, Rockefeller, Massimo, Orsini, Colonna, Soros, Gates, Trump, Harris, Clinton, Obama, Musk, McCain, Pence, Kuciak, Richardson, Merkel, Macron, Kushner and many more...Places
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HUMAN EXTERMINATION FOR REPTILIAN REPLACEMENT BEHIND PANDEMICS AND WWIII: Draconians' New World Order coming through their globalist elite' puppets
2023, Laura Thea Tresser PhD
in English
- Revised Edition
Book Details
First Sentence
"The origin of the situation you are in, dates back to ancient times. Sumer is one of the first civilizations in the world in the region of southern Mesopotamia (south-central Iraq). It emerged between the sixth and fifth millennium B.C. (Before Christ) and was highly developed with great cities, temples and pyramids. The Temple of Inanna, that you can see today in the ancient city of Uruk, keeps its beautiful colors and depictions of animal chimeras (hybrids composed of parts of different animals). Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of beauty, sex, war and political power. She was later worshipped by the Babylonians and Assyrians under the name of Ishtar or Ashera. She was Isis of the Egyptians, Diana of the Greeks and Venus of the Romans. Inanna was the consort of Baal (or Moloch or Molech, a representation of Satan/Lucifer), a deity who demanded child sacrifice. Ancient Sumerians and their polytheistic religion of evil expanded towards the northwest into Babylonia. Then they went toward the west, to what we now know as Canaan and Phoenicia. One suggested identity for Molech is the Canaanite deity Ba’al-Hadad or Hadad. Hadad was considered the king of the gods by the ancient Canaanites. Evidence that Moloch can be identified with him comes from the fact that the pagan altars in the valley of Ben-Hinnom, where children were sacrificed, are also described as altars to Ba’al by the prophet Jeremiah. Furthermore, Assyrian texts stated that child sacrifices were made to Adad, the Assyrian equivalent of the Canaanite Hadad. This makes it reasonable to suggest that child sacrifices were made to Hadad and that a cult of child sacrifice was related to him. The pillars of Baalism, also known as worship of the Owl, were child sacrifice, sexual immorality (both heterosexual and homosexual) and pantheism (reverence of the Creation over the Creator). Adults gathered around the altar of Baal while infants were burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh congregants, men and women, engaged in orgies. The ritual of convenience was intended to produce economic prosperity by prompting Baal to bring rain for the fertility of “Mother Earth.”..."
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The Pentagon spent 540 million dollars of people’s tax money — when people are struggling to feed their families — in order to create propaganda videos for Ceres planet Nazi 4th Reich SS Schutzstaffel space fleet. Many Nazis of Ceres planet Nazi 4th Reich imperial space fleet and communist Zionist Satanists are reptilian hybrids.
Many of them are Draco-Pleiadean hybrids and Draco-Mantis hybrids manufactured by the Pleiadean alien Watcher fallen angels mentioned in the Book of Enoch. Reptilian hybrid globalist elites consider themselves the ‘blue blood’ superior Aryan race or the offspring of Draco Prime reptilian.
Their videos served to mind-program humans against Muslim Jihadists — managed by the CIA, Al-Qaeda, DHS and ISIS Blackwater Company intelligence composed by Nephilim aliens and chimera alien incarnated in avatar agents --- which are supposed to be the enemy of the U.S. All terrorist videos were produced in Hollywood studios in California using green screens. People were beheaded and killed to cause negative energy among human viewers, so that fallen angels could feed on this life force energy.
CIA’s Nazi shadow rogue government acts both roles: the good heroes and the bad villains. For example, they use Joe Biden’s clone to play the role of the villain and bring in Donald Trump as the hero getting rid of Biden. In the same way, Americans think that CIA terrorist intelligence agents within Al-Qaeda — which are just mind-programmed Muslims — are the enemy.
All they need to do is to use their CIA, Al-Qaeda, DHS, and ISIS to cause false flag attacks, terrorism, mass shooting or bombing and they will easily push billions of humans to kill each other. They forced Iran to take their U.S. nuclear weapons.
Knight of Malta and Draconian avatar Paul Bremer of the U.S. counter terrorism was in-charge of pushing people to war against Islam (a religion created by the Vatican Illuminati), removing human rights and empowering NWO and CIA Nazi
This ebook reveals the Truth. This is just an exemple...
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September 29, 2024 | Edited by REVEALING THE TRUTH2023 | REVISED EDITION |
September 28, 2024 | Edited by REVEALING THE TRUTH2023 | This the last revised version of this book |
September 28, 2024 | Edited by REVEALING THE TRUTH2023 | Edited without comment. |
September 3, 2024 | Created by REVEALING THE TRUTH2023 | Added new book. |