Rockefeller money, the laboratory, and medicine in Edinburgh, 1919-1930

new science in an old country

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January 20, 2025 | History

Rockefeller money, the laboratory, and medicine in Edinburgh, 1919-1930

new science in an old country

"In the first half of the twentieth century, reformers attempted to use the knowledge and practices of the laboratory sciences to transform medicine radically. Change was to be effected through medicine's major institutions: hospitals were to be turned into businesses and united to university-based medical schools. American ideas and money were major movers of these reforms. The Rockefeller Foundation supported these changes worldwide. Reform, however, was not always welcomed. In Britain many old hospitals and medical schools stood by their educational and healing traditions. Further, American ideals were often seen as part of a larger transatlantic threat to British ways of life.

In Edinburgh, targeted by reformers as an important centre for training doctors for the Empire, reform was resisted on the grounds that the city had sound methods of education and patient care matured over time. This resistance was part of an anxiety about a wholesale invasion by American culture that was seen to be destroying Edinburgh's cherished values and traditions. These latter in turn were seen to stem from a distinct Scottish way of life. This book examines this culture clash through attempts to introduce the laboratory sciences, particularly biochemistry, into the Edinburgh medical world of the 1920s."--Jacket.

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Previews available in: English

Book Details

Table of Contents

Introduction: medical cultures
Medical revolutions
The Rockefeller Foundation and the culture of British medicine
The organization and ethos of Edinburgh medicine
Edinburgh, London, and North America
The departments of surgery and medicine
A hospital laboratory
A university laboratory in a hospital
Bench and bedside
Conclusion: modern times.

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Published in
Rochester, NY
Rochester studies in medical history


Library of Congress
R497.E34 L39 2005, R497.E34 L39 2005

The Physical Object

ix, 373 p. ;
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

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Internet Archive item record

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