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David Luban is one of the world's leading scholars of legal ethics. In this collection of his most significant papers from the past twenty-five years, he ranges over such topics as the moral psychology of organisational evil, the strengths and weaknesses of the adversary system, and jurisprudence from the lawyer's point of view. His discussion combines philosophical argument, legal analysis and many cases drawn from actual law practice, and he defends a theory of legal ethics that focuses on lawyers' role in enhancing human dignity and human rights. In addition to an analytical introduction, the volume includes two major previously unpublished papers, including a detailed critique of the US government lawyers who produced the notorious 'torture memos'. It will be of interest to a wide range of readers in both philosophy and law.
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Previews available in: English
Dignity, Legal ethics, Nonfiction, Philosophy, Human rights, Law and ethicsEdition | Availability |
Legal Ethics and Human Dignity
2007, Cambridge University Press
in English
0511352689 9780511352683
2 |
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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