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The bio-bibliography of Prof. D.Sc. Lozanka Peycheva from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, was made on the occasion of his 60th anniversary. The chronological framework of the bibliographic corpus covers the period from 1989 to the beginning of 2021. 453 bibliographic items are registered, of which 407 are authored by her and 46 are dedicated to or related to her scientific, journalistic and public activities. The book is structured in five sections. At the beginning of the edition are the foreword by Prof. D.Sc. Ventsislav Dimov and texts by prof. Rosemary Statelova, prof. Timothy Rice, prof. Donna A. Buchanan, prof. Ursula Hemetek, prof. Hristo Vaklinov, Marin Marinov, Dr. Lina Gergova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Binka Dobreva. The first section includes "Introduction to the Bibliography" by the compiler Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milena Tsvetkova. The chronological reference entitled "Dates and events in the biography of Prof. D.Sc. Lozanka Peycheva" follows. The second section is the actual bibliographic base in two parts: the "Bibliography of the works of Lozanka Peycheva" for the period 1989-2021 and the "Bibliography of the publications about Lozanka Peycheva" for the period 1995-2021. The part with the publications about prof. Lozanka Peycheva is a reflection of the scientific and media reception of her personality, of her scientific research and cultural activities. There are three parts - Reviews and responses to scientific publications, textbooks and collections (1995-2021), Articles, portraits (1998-2010), Reportages, announcements, references (2007-2019). The third section contains the reference "Lozanka Peycheva in the World Libraries". The fourth section offers a visual corpus of 50 photographs - a photo chronicle of the most important moments of Lozanka Peycheva's scientific and creative biography, as well as a gallery with autographs from notable personalities, the covers of her books and awards. The fifth section of the bibliography is a scholarly apparatus, in which three indexes are offered (Name Index, Geographical Index, Index of Editions and Media). The methodological thesis at work is about the nature of the bibliography as a cumulative book of condensed knowledge about a phenomenon or a person and as a mediator of communications in the knowledge society. This thesis of bibliography as medium is theorized in two scholarly articles by Milena Tsvetkova, "The Searching Man: The Reputation of Bibliographic Culture" (2005) and "Bibliography as Medium" (2005). Through the bibliographic method, a systematized model of the author's heritage has been built by four professors from Sofia University - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lyuben Atanasov (2001), Prof. Dr. Veselin Dimitrov (2004), Prof. D.Sc. Prof. Andrej Pantev (2004, second e-edition 2004) and Prof. Marko Semov (2004, second e-edition 2006). The four editions follow and refine the research model set by the first biobibliography compiled by Milena Tsvetkova - on the Bulgarian public figure of the late 19th - early 20th century, Marko Vachkov (1996). In its completed form, the publication "Lozanka Peycheva: A Bio-Bibliography" can be seen as a model of scientific knowledge in the field of folklore studies, as a basic source and a beginning of any new research. By its very nature it is a research aid and is intended to support research, teaching, information and research project activities in ethnomusicology, musicology, art studies, folklore studies, music journalism and the accompanying bibliometric analyses. The publication complements the unified national database of personal bibliographies of the valuable academic community of Bulgaria and of the Bulgarian scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences of world renown. The book is a contribution to the field of academic personal bibliography. The scientific and applied specificity of such publications allows to promote their use also in the information and monitoring activities of media, communication and library organizations.
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Lozanka Peycheva (1961), Pejčeva, Lozanka Georgieva, 1961 – Biography, Musicology, Ethnomusicology, Folklore, Folklorism, Folklore Studies, Art Studies, Music Journalism, Bulgarian folklore, Bulgarian folk songs, Ethnic music, Ethnology of Bulgaria, Authors, University teachers, Bulgaria, Biography, National Bibliography, Annotated Bibliographies, Bibliographies (Multi-Subject)People
Lozanka Peycheva (1961)Edition | Availability |
Lozanka Peycheva – biobibliography
2021, Avangard Prima
in Bulgarian
- First edition
6192396299 9786192396299
Book Details
First Sentence
"The bio-bibliography of Prof. D.Sc. Lozanka Peycheva from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, was made on the occasion of his 60th anniversary."
Edition Notes
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Edition Identifiers
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Work Description
Цветкова, Милена. Лозанка Пейчева: Биобиблиография. Науч. ред. Виктория Бисерова, Петър Величков. – София: Авангард Прима, 2021. – 192 с. ISBN 978-619-239-629-9 мека подв.; ISBN 978-619-239-630-5 pdf; ISBN 978-619-239-631-2 ePub; ISBN 978-619-239-632-9 mobi
Предметни рубрики / Subject Headings:
Пейчева, Лозанка Георгиева, 1961- -- биографии
Пейчева, Лозанка Георгиева, 1961- -- библиографии
Музиковеди, български – библиографии
Фолклористи, български – библиографии
България – музика
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