Exchange rate fundamentals and order flow

Exchange rate fundamentals and order flow
Martin D. D. Evans, Martin D. ...

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December 3, 2010 | History

Exchange rate fundamentals and order flow

We address whether transaction flows in foreign exchange markets convey fundamental information. Our GE model includes fundamental information that first manifests at the micro level and is not symmetrically observed by all agents. This produces foreign exchange transactions that play a central role in information aggregation, providing testable links between transaction flows, exchange rates, and future fundamentals. We test these links using data on all end-user currency trades received at Citibank over 6.5 years, a sample sufficiently long to analyze real-time forecasts at the quarterly horizon. The predictions are borne out in four empirical findings that define this paper's main contribution: (1) transaction flows forecast future macro variables such as output growth, money growth, and inflation, (2) transaction flows forecast these macro variables significantly better than the exchange rate does, (3) transaction flows (proprietary) forecast future exchange rates, and (4) the forecasted part of fundamentals is better at explaining exchange rates than standard measured fundamentals.

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Cover of: Exchange rate fundamentals and order flow
Exchange rate fundamentals and order flow
2007, National Bureau of Economic Research
electronic resource / in English
Cover of: Exchange rate fundamentals and order flow
Exchange rate fundamentals and order flow
2007, National Bureau of Economic Research
in English

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Book Details

Edition Notes

"June 2007."

Includes bibliographical references (p. 46-47).

Also available in PDF from the NBER world wide web site (

Published in
Cambridge, Mass
NBER working paper series -- no. 13151., Working paper series (National Bureau of Economic Research) -- working paper no. 13151.

The Physical Object

47, A20 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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Oregon Libraries MARC record

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December 3, 2010 Edited by Open Library Bot Added subjects from MARC records.
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