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Cressida (fictitious character), Trojan war, literature and the war, Knights and knighthood, English poetry (collections), Civilization, medieval, in literature, Troilus (legendary character), Classicism, Chaucer, geoffrey, -1400, contemporary england, Knowledge, Literature, History, Troilus (Legendary character) in literature, Civilization, Classical, in literature, English poetry, Classical influences, European influences, Knights and knighthood in literature, Trojan War, Literature and the war, Cressida (Fictitious character), Troïlos (Personnage légendaire) dans la littérature, Poésie anglaise, Influence ancienne, Influence européenne, Cressida (Personnage fictif), Antike, Rezeption, Knight's tale (Chaucer, Geoffrey), Troilus and Criseyde (Chaucer, Geoffrey)Edition | Availability |
Chaucer and the Tradition of the Roman Antique
May 1, 2009, Cambridge University Press
in English
- 1 edition
0521051002 9780521051002
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Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature
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June 12, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
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