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Ada Lovelace: The World's First Hacker. . .
"Toole did research for more than eight years, burying herself in British archives and libraries to narrate and edit this extraordinary collection of letters written by Ada Lovelace. Not only do they outline Ada's ingenuity for the sciences, but they also enlighten us on all aspects of Lady Lovelace's multidimensional life: her passionate desire to flourish in a "man's world," her battle with drug addiction and chronic sickness, and her efforts as a mother and wife. Lovelace also had a reputation as a wild gambler and a lover. What can tell us more truthfully about Ms. Lovelace's life than letters from the Lady herself?" --Carla Sinclair
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Calculators, Computers, Correspondence, Mathematicians, computing, computresses, letters, woman scientistsPlaces
Great BritainTimes
1815-1852Edition | Availability |
Ada, the enchantress of numbers: prophet of the computer age : a pathway to the 21st century
1998, Strawberry Press
in English
- Paperback ed., revised and abridged.
0912647183 9780912647180
Ada, the enchantress of numbers: a selection from the letters of Lord Byron's daughter and her description of the first computer
1992, Strawberry Press, Orders to Critical Connection
in English
- 1st ed.
0912647094 9780912647098
Book Details
Table of Contents
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 429-430) and index.
Letters to and from the Countess of Lovelace, 1824-1852.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records
marc_openlibraries_sanfranciscopubliclibrary MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
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September 27, 2022 | Edited by Tom Morris | Add editor |
December 4, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Added subjects from MARC records. |
December 4, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Added subjects from MARC records. |
June 18, 2010 | Edited by George | Subtitle bug |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |