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Philosophy, Sociology, Music, History and criticismEdition | Availability |
Gesammelte Schriften: Theodor W. Adorno ; herausgegeben von Rolf Tiedemann unter Mitwirkung von Gretel Adorno, Susan Buck-Morss und Klaus Schultz
2003, Directmedia
electronic resource /
in German
389853197X 9783898531979
2 |
Book Details
Edition Notes
Title from title screen.
Based and expanded upon the Gesammelte Schriften published: Suhrkamp, 1970-1986.
Includes bibliographical references.
System requirements: PC 486 or higher; 16 MB RAM; MS Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP; graphics card 640x480 or higher, 256 colors; CD-ROM drive.
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