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Precambrian of South India: based on the proceedings of the Indo-U.S. Workshop held at Hyderabad, 12-14 January, 1982
1983, Geological Society of India
in English
Book Details
Table of Contents
Archaean granite-greenstone terrain of the South Indian shield / B.P. Radhakrishna
Extra-terrestrial data and early crustal genesis / D. Lal and M.N. Rao
The geochemical approach to the study of the origin of life / Cyril Ponnamperuma
Geological, geophysical, and geochemical studies over the Holenarasipur schist belt, Dharwar Craton, India / S.M. Hussain and S.M. Naqvi
Crustal evolution in central Karnataka : a review of present data and models / M. Ramakrishnan and M.N. Viswanatha
Geology and geochemistry of Nuggihalli schist belt, Dharwar Craton, Karnataka, India / S.H. Jafri [and others]
A billion year history of the Dharwar Craton (3200 to 2100 m.y. ago) / C.S. Pichamuthu and R. Srinivasan
Geology and geochemistry of Javanahalli schist belt, Karnataka, India / B.L. Narayana [and others]
Javanahalli quartzites : evidence for sedimentary mica and implications for the chemistry of Archean ocean water / Scott Argast and Thomas W. Donnelly
Trace and REE geochemistry of the Archaean greenstone-granite and gneiss-granulite regions in the southern Indian shield / G.V. Anantha Iyer
Geochemistry of Archaean tholeiitic basalt and high-Mg to peridotite komatiite suites, with petrogenetic implications / A.Y. Glikson
Early Precambrian clastic metasediments of Dharwar greenstone belts : implications to sima-sial transformation processes / S.M. Naqvi
Mineralizing environment in sulphide deposits of the Dharwar Craton / A.G. Menon, V.S. Venkatasubramanian and G.V. Anantha Iyer
Geological evolution of Archaean and early Proterozoic sulphide deposits of the Dharwar Craton, India / V.N. Vasudev
Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of the carbonates from greenstone belts of Dharwar Craton, India / B. Kumar, V.S. Venkatasubramanian and Rama Saxena
Geochemistry of coexisting staurolite and kyanite from an early Archaean greenstone belt of Dharwar Craton, India / S.M. Naqvi [and others]
Superposed deformation in the Dharwar rocks of the southern part of the Chitradurga schist belt near Dodguni, Karnataka / Dhruba Mukhopadhyay and Debashish Ghosh
Geology and geochemistry of the Krishnarajpet schist belt : a greenstone belt of the Dharwar Craton, India / V. Divakara Rao [and others]
Geology, geochemistry and age of metamorphism of Archaean grey gneisses around Channarayapatna, Hassan District, Karnataka, South India / Y.J. Bhaskar Rao [and others]
Trace element geochemistry of granitic rocks of the Dharwar Craton, Karnataka State, India / G.R. Reddy, D.R. Pant and M. Sankar Das
Evolution of sialic terranes in the vicinity of the Holenarasipur belt, Hassan District, Karnataka, India / J.R. Monrad
3,000 m.y.-old Halekote trondhjemite : a record of stabilization of the Dharwar Craton / P.T. Stroh [and others]
Geochronology and trace element distribution in some tonalitic and granitic gneisses of the Dharwar Craton / S. Jayaram, V.S. Venkatasubramanian and B.P. Radhakrishna
I- and S-type classification of the Precambrian granitoids of southern India and its possible relevance to mineral exploration / R. Dhana Raju [and others]
Geochemistry of gneisses from Hassan District and adjoining areas, Karnataka, India / S.M. Naqvi [and others]
Transformation of peninsular gneiss to charnockite in southern Karnataka / A.S. Janardhan, R.C. Newton and E.C. Hansen
Metamorphic conditions in the charnockite-khondalite zone of South India : geothermobarometry on garnet-pyroxene-plagioclase rocks / M. Raith [and others]
The Archaean low- to high-grade transition in the Krishnagiri-Dharmapuri area, Tamil Nadu, southern India / Philip Allen, Kent C. Condie and B.L. Narayana
A comparative analysis of geochemical trends in basic granulites, greenstones and recent basalts based on three basic granulite suites from India / K.R. Chakraborty and S.K. Sen
Precambrian paleomagnetism in India through 1982 : a review / R.B. Hargraves and M.S. Bhalla
A relative residual study of the southern peninsula of India using the Gauribidanur seismic array / S.M. McCarthy, C.A. Powell and J.J.W. Rogers
An overview of gravity anomalies, Precambrian metamorphic terrains and their boundary relationships in the southern Indian shield / C. Subrahmanyam.
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